Sadleir House
• 751 George St N • Peterborough, ON
Doors Open: 8:00PM
| Show Starts: 8:30PM
All Ages / Licensed
Featuring: Tatsuya Nakatani, Horseman, Pass By
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages / Licensed
Tatsuya Nakatani is an avant-garde percussionist, composer, and artist of sound. Active internationally since the 1990s, Nakatani has released over 80 recordings and tours extensively, performing over 150 concerts a year. His primary focus is his solo work and his large ensemble project, the Nakatani Gong Orchestra. He teaches master classes and lectures at universities and music conservatories around the world. Originally from Japan, he makes his home in the desert town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. With his activity in new music, improvisation, and experimental music, Nakatani has a long history of collaboration.
Nakatani's distinctive music centered around his adapted bowed gong, supported by an array of drums, cymbals, and singing bowls. In consort with his personally hand-carved Kobo Bows, he has spent decades refining and developing his sound as an arrangement of formations of vibrations, incorporated in shimmering layers of silence and texture. Within this contemporary work, one can still recognize the dramatic pacing, formal elegance and space (ma) felt in traditional Japanese music.
Mark Molnar - Cello & Electronics
Bennett Bedoukian - Drums & Electronics
Their material is comprised of improvisation, white noise transmissions across rural easement posts, and heavily choreographed rhythm and melody, combining the drone rattles of an old diesel engine with the frenzied calls of masses of mating passerines. Their music attempts to bridge the gaps between the echoes out of abandoned cold storage and the fractured voices of underestimated communities. They write songs for those with an ear for the persistent, and the desiccation of dead leaves clinging to beech trees at dawn amid the issued reports of the frost cracking forest. The music is at times startling and ecstatic on the two and four, while unflinchingly scraping around the crevices of the bottomlands in an attempt to lay low in the age of irony.
September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2025
6 Other Events in this Series
Cutoff is Thursday, October 3, 2024 6:59 pm EDT unless it sells out earlier.
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