Macaulay Heritage Park (Church)
• 23 Church Street • Picton, ON
Doors Open: 6:45PM
| Show Starts: 7:00PM
All Ages
Featuring: Kris Tischbein, Andy Forgie
Tickets may still be available at the event, other ticket outlets, or the box office.
Event type: All Ages
Performing original music, especially compositions that most have probably never heard before, can be, well, a little daunting...but when you believe in your art, it's natural to want to share it with someone, other than the cat!
So, for the brave and curious, Kris Tischbein & Andy Forgie have created "The Quiet Room"
It consists of three parts:
Kris' brilliant and moving, (for Juno Award consideration), solo bass guitar compositions, that will take you to another plane. You will never think of the bass guitar the same way again.
Andy will then perform various selections from his original works: songs of reflection, redemption, and love...both lost & found...and a couple of hits he composed for his bands Creed & Photograph.
To close, together Kris & Andy will celebrate some hand picked songs - personal favourites that have inspired, and continue to inspire them.
Cutoff is Saturday, November 30, 2024 5:44 pm EST unless it sells out earlier.
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