If you have travelled from Port Albert to Goderich via Highway 21, you will have driven past an over 8-foot-tall Salt Cairn which guards the entrance to North Harbour Road. This beacon signals the entrance to the largest salt mine in the world. This unique world wonder sits 1,800 feet below our feet, sprawling out under Lake Huron, creating a massive network that is physically larger than the Town of Goderich. This is an engineering feat which goes widely unnoticed above ground. This year, Goderich Tourism has big plans to celebrate the world’s largest naturally occurring “salted” tourist attraction over the weekend of September 15th to 17th.
The Goderich Salt Festival is a weekend full of activities taking place all over town. Above ground tours of the Salt Mine will take place by land and water, with hop on - hop off bus tours showcasing the Town of Goderich and our salted past. We know the next question on everyone’s mind will be, “are you doing tours below the surface?” and the answer is, no. Because this is the world’s largest operational salt mine, taking tourists below the surface is not an option. It was with this in mind that our 360⁰ Tour of the Mine has been developed. This will allow people of all abilities to journey below the surface to experience the world beneath our feet from the safety of the Tourism Centre. This was developed in partnership with Compass Minerals Canada Corp., the owner of the mine.
The focal point of the weekend will be Saturday, September 16th with evening concert concert with Coleman Hell and Tell it to Sweeney, food and fun all taking place in the Courthouse Square. Local businesses and restaurants will be highlighting our “salted” roots, including a “salted” signature beverage brewed by a local micro-brewery, Square Brew. Safety demonstrations, interactive games and activities will keep both young and old entertained. As we head into the evening, a concert and beverage garden will keep the fun shaking into the night.
For one weekend a year, Lake Huron and Goderich are no longer freshwater destinations but instead “Salted” to our taste! Don’t miss out on a weekend of fun, education, and salted pleasure – without worrying about your blood pressure! The Goderich Salt Festival, this September 15th to the 17th in Goderich, Ontario. For more information visit exploregoderich.ca or follow Goderich Tourism on Instagram and Facebook.
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