Holy Cross presents Pippin the Musical! Pippin is a captivating musical that follows the journey of a young man named Pippin, who is searching for meaning and purpose in his life. He is presented with a device that draws him in to the complex world behind a screen. Guided by a mysterious Leading Player and a troupe of influencers, he explores various paths—war, love, popularity, and even a life of simplicity.
As he navigates through the trials of ambition and self-discovery, Pippin grapples with the question of what it truly means to live a fulfilling life. Is everything he needs within the reach of his device? Will he put his phone down or stay plugged in? The musical blends elements of comedy, drama, and philosophy, ultimately leading Pippin to value everyday experiences and the search for personal happiness. With its innovative storytelling and vibrant style, Pippin remains a timeless exploration of identity and the quest for significance.
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